Thursday, April 19, 2012

1LW Wednesday #15: On Accountability

Hi friends!

I've been thinking a lot about accountability lately. Honestly, self-motivation is not one of my strong points. I am  way too good at talking myself out of getting something done. So I need accountability in my life. This whole series started out as a practice in accountability. But what does that look like? What are some different ways to stay accountable?

To-do list book.

1. Write it down: There is a reason programs like Weight Watchers, and others that have you write down what you eat, work. If it's down on paper, you're more likely to stick to your plan. You can't ignore those 3 cookies you just ate because they're right there on the page staring back at you. I don't think a plan like this limited to dieting. I have friends who loooove the act of crossing something off of their to-do list. It makes their day. Me, I tend to forget where I put my list. Maybe it's not my best tactic. Put it in your calendar, write it on your mirror, whatever!

2. Find a friend: Accountability partners are awesome! I have been incredibly blessed to have been a part of now 2 women's small groups that have challenged me to grow, both personally and spiritually. Hands down, I would not be where I am today without them. They celebrate my successes with me, and call me on my nonsense. It's not always fun to get called out, but it's important. It's like going shopping with your best friend, but better!
3. Put it out there: Tweet it, blog about it, put it on Facebook, tell as many people as you can! My friend, Sarah, put it out on Twitter that she was looking for someone to do a 30 day workout program with her. I saw the tweet, I have the DVD, so we're going to do it together. If no one knows you're working on something, no one knows to ask you how it is going. 

4. Don't forget where your true strength comes from.

Be Blessed!



  1. Great blog sister! Miss you soooooo much! Jess and I are good workout accountability so glad you've found someone for that. And I love my lists :) Talk to you soon!

  2. Love it Heather! Kevin and I have been on a "diet". We found the only way that works for us is to use a log! You can't cheat when the evidence is to very obvious. I also truly believe you can never read Phil. 4:13 too many times!


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