Monday, April 28, 2014

Bring a little boy home!

Hi friends!

Meet Merissa!

A couple of weeks ago Merissa, of Little House Living,  shared that she and her husband were preparing for their first adoption fundraiser.  The blogging community quickly shared their need for donated items and hoped that many of you would come alongside of them in that effort.  But, to our surprise, Merissa announced on Easter Sunday that they had just been chosen to be the parents of a healthy baby boy born on that same day (read the full story here)!  

Today the blogging community has the opportunity to come alongside of Merissa and her family as they adopt this precious baby boy into their family!

Merissa and her husband are traveling to pick up their baby boy this  Wednesday and bring him home, but that have not had time to fundraise.

They need $12,000 in 10 days with just 3 remaining!

$12,000 sounds like a lot doesn't it?

It is.

But, with each of us giving at least $10, it's really not that much!

Can you forego a cup of coffee or a fast food lunch this week in order to bring home a new life?

Not only that, would you share this with your friends?  Email it, Facebook it, Tweet it, Pin it, Stumble it, G+ it.  Whatever you can do.  And if you're a blogger that might be willing to blog about Merissa's story, please leave a comment below or email Christie and we'll forward you the details!  

Life is worth it.  Adoption is worth it.

Let's bring this baby boy home!!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Pretty Little Project

Hi guys!

I am falling in love with embroidery! I know, right?! I would have thought I was crazy, too, but simple projects that can be done in an evening or two make me happy!

Read all about it at {Fancy Little Things}

Monday, April 21, 2014

Mother's Day Cards & Blessing Packs

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser.
Hi friends!

Did you have a nice Easter? We couldn't have asked for a better day! We had an amazing worship service, had lunch with all of our local family, and spent the day playing outside! It was perfect.

It's crazy to think about, but we're already rapidly approaching the next holiday, and it's a good one. Mother's Day!

I'm lucky enough to have 3 mothers to celebrate on Mother's Day. One mom, one mother-in-law, and one stepmother-in-law. If you've seen my goals lately, you know that we're trying really hard to pay off our consumer debt this year. I love to give gifts, but we have a pretty tight budget for a while. As much as I would love to shower the mother's in my life with jewelry and flowers, it's just not in the cards this year.
Now cards, however...those I can do! (see what I did there? Ha!)

I am a firm believer in the idea that a small, thoughtful gift can be just as meaningful, if not more so, than a huge, fancy gift. Something with a sweet note, and a treat you know they will love. Hallmark to the rescue! At Walmart they have so many beautiful Mother's Day cards

There is something for every mom. Sweet ones, sparkly ones, ones that will make her laugh, and ones that might make her cry.

 Once I had picked out cards for everyone, I headed over to the candy aisle. I was on a mission to find the perfect little treat for each of my mothers.

Cadbury for my Mother-in-law who grew up in England.

Classic milk chocolate for my Stepmother-in-law. She's a classic!

And dark chocolate with sea salt for my Momma. It's her favorite!

I get to deliver my mom's gift in person, but my mother-in-law and stepmother-in-law live out of town. They'll have to get their gifts by mail. One more simple way to dress up this gift? Washi tape!

Add a little to the card envelope...

Then add some to a padded shipping envelope. Who doesn't love getting pretty mail?

Seal it all up and pop it in the mail! Simple blessings for the mothers in your life!

Want even more great ideas and goodies? Make sure you check out to sign up for Hallmark Rewards, and to see great content from other bloggers. Join in the #MothersDayCards conversation on Twitter with #collectivebias!  For every 5 Hallmark cards you buy you'll earn a reward. Sweet deal!

What are your favorite simple gifts?
Any plans for Mother's Day?

Be blessed!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Lord, I Need You

I've never believed that God does things like this to us. It's just not how He works. I will probably never understand why He allowed them to happen, but I don't blame Him for it.
I can't.
If I did, I wouldn't be able to cling to Him as desperately as I have been these past 4 months.

{Read more at Fancy Little Things}

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

#onelittleword 2014: April Goals

Hi friends!

It's that time again...goal recap! Are you still working on your #onelittlewords? How are they going?

It might not look like it, but I feel pretty good about this month! 

Here's what I was working on:

- 2 loads of laundry washed, dried and folded 5 days a week. Well, it's not quite this specific, but I do feel like I'm at least keeping up with the laundry most of the time, so I'll call it a win!

- In the Word every day. I'm getting better. I'll just leave it at that.
- 8 cups of water daily. Again...better! I have discovered that if I keep a tumbler with a straw full and close by this is easy. If I depend on myself to fill up glasses of water throughout the day, I won't do it.
- 2 workouts per week. Yes! Well, at least for the past week, but it's a good trend. I just discovered Blogilates, and I'm in love! Combine that with the YouTube app on our PS3 and I'm good to go!

Keep reading How To Blog... I'm almost done and it is rocking my world! Now to start putting things into action.
- Finish new design! :) It's DONE! Have you seen it? If you read this in a reader you probably haven't. Click on over and check it out!

- Write a snowball plan for remaining consumer debt Done! I'm not going to post it, but if all goes as plan we will be consumer/medical debt free by the end of the year! Woot!

OK, not on to this month

- Clear out the last of the moving messes. Even though we have found a place for most things, there are still a few spots that have homeless things just sitting around. Time to either find them a home or get rid of them!

- In the Word every day. 
- 8 cups of water daily. 
- 2 workouts per week. 
These three are pretty much non-negotiable, and not totally mastered, so they're staying put!
- Fresh produce at every meal. Dinner is good with this one, but I want to be better about getting fresh fruit or vegetables at breakfast and lunch. It's so easy to just grab a bagel or some leftovers, but is it really that hard to grab a banana or some carrots too?

- Two posts a week: I've been trying to get back into a regular posting schedule after pregnancy and the holidays kicked my butt. I'm feeling good about post a week, so time to move on to two! Any requests?
- Set up Google+: Facebook is being lame. I have a google+ account for this page, but I've barely used it. Time to get it going! Are you on Google+?

- Set up bank budget tool: Our bank has an online budget tool, but I haven't set it up. If I'm going to keep up with that snowball plan, I need to get that done!

So that's the plan for this month! What's your plan?

If you do, what are your favorite way to spend quite time in the Word?
Do you get your water every day? Tips and tricks?

Be blessed!


Thursday, April 3, 2014

5 Fun Ways to Feed the Birds

Hi friends!

I am in LOVE with this print from The Wheatfield! I want it for my mantle!

It's finally bird chirping weather! Well, it's starting to be at least. Here in Chicagoland winter just will. not. let. GO! But, the birds are back, so that means that spring can't be far behind. I've rounded up 5 of my favorite bird feeder crafts for you. There's also a great list of ways to watch and observe the birds you attract!
Check 'em out!

1. Molded Bird Feeders from Eighteen25
2. Plastic Lid Bird Feeders from Frogs, Snails, & Puppy Dog Tails
3. Bread Bird Feeders from Teaching Mama
4. Fruit & Grain Bird Feeders from Happy Hooligans
5. Pine Cone Bird Feeders from Fancy Little Things


  • Can't use peanut butter? Use your favorite nut butter! (also, 1, 3, and 5 on this list are PB Free!)
  • Hang your feeder near a window so you can watch as the birds come by
  • Use a great bird watching printable like this one from Lara's Place. She also has a great list of bird watching materials.

Is it bird chirping weather where you are?
What is your favorite way to feed the birds?

Be blessed!

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