Thursday, January 10, 2013

The ABCs of Preschool Play: Day 4

Hi Friends!

Can I just tell you how much fun I have been having putting this series together? I have found new-to-me blogs, and pinned so many new things for Abbey. I hope you have too!

Here we go with Day 4!

P is for: Pretend Play
There is nothing better than pretending. As much as I love technology, there is nothing like just letting your imagination run wild. I love this library play from The Pleasantest Thing.

Q is for: Quest
Take this idea from Domestic Goddesque and make a shield. Grab your paper towel roll sword and head off on an epic quest!

R is for: Rainbow Rice
Cerys does it again! (I'm a fan of hers...could you tell?)

 S is for: Superheroes
What little one doesn't want to be a superhero? More fantastic imaginary play ideas from The Pleasantest Thing, including a cape your kiddo can make their own!

T is for: Tissue Dance
I didn't even have to read the instructions to know that this game from True Aim Education looks like way too much fun!

Want to catch up on the rest of the fun? Check out the other daily posts.
Day 1: A - E
Day 2: Day 2: F - J
Day 3: K - O

For even more great ideas check out the rest of the Learning Through Play bloggers
To see the full list of KBN bloggers participating in the ABC's series, click the image above.

Be blessed!


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