Monday, January 28, 2013

The Tag Reader from #LeapFrog

Hello friends!

We're over here in the middle of moving chaos. Boxes. are. everywhere!

I wanted to pop in here really quick because the good people at LeapFrog have sent me goodies to share with you! YAY!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. We love LeapFrog in this house!

We're lifetime LeapFroggers, and I was thrilled to be able to add to our collection.
The puppy that started it all!

This time we got the chance to play with the Tag Reader, and a new book. To say that Abbey is crazy about the Tag Reader is an understatement for sure.

The Tag Reader is amazing. We read books together all the time, but I also want Abbey to learn to love books on her own. She is going through a phase where she doesn't want to look at books by herself because she "doesn't know what the words are". She is thiiis close to reading, so I love that the Tag is getting her into books independently.

LeapFrog also sent us their new book, Leap and the Lost Dinosaur.

This is such a fun book! It is geared for 5-8 year olds, and comes with a great set of dinosaur trading cards. My favorite part? It has a pocket in the cover to hold the cards! There is nothing worse than getting something that comes with small parts and not having a home for them.

The thing that I love about the Tag is that, just like the Leapster, it will grow with Abbey. Can she do all the things that these books ask her to do? Not yet. But is she getting into books, being exposed to new concepts and skills, and picking things up as she goes. Absolutely!

LeapFrog has books for every level, from learning TO read all the way up to learning THROUGH reading. There are not just books, but fun things like flash cards and maps. I can see a lot of these things finding their way into our home library, especially as we start to explore homeschooling more.
 photo tag_zps7a989aaa.jpg

You know what else I love about LeapFrog? They are so incredibly generous! They have given me the OK to give a new Tag Reader and a copy of Leap and the Lost Dinosaur to YOU! 

Well, it could be you, if you enter the giveaway! So...what are you waiting for??

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be blessed!


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