Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 28: Science Fair Day

Hello friends!

I can't belive I'm writing my last post for this series! We've been having so much fun!

Our book for today is Science Fair Day by Lynn Plourde.

This is a very cute story about a little girl who might be just a little bit TOO curious, at least on Science Fair Day!

Abbey LOVES science experiments. I ask her every day what she did at school, and usually get "nothing" or "I don't remember" (I think she's training me for high school). BUT, the day they did Sink-or-Float, she went on and on about it. She has so much fun exploring the world around her.

I found this little magnet set on clearance (woot!) at Target not too long ago.

It came with three little magnets, and some goodies to explore them with.

The magnet stand was great for letting Abbey see how the magnets attract or repel eachother.

It was even better when she got to make the guy "float" over the table!

We dug around in the junk drawer, found a bunch of stuff, and set up a little experiment.

First Abbey predicted if the item she was testing would stick, or not stick. Then we tested each object to see what happened. Apparently she didn't have much faith in these magnet things!

Isn't exploring fun?

Just joining in? Make sure you check out the rest of the series!

Be blessed!


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