Monday, May 4, 2015

The Day I Fell in Love with a Vacuum

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CleaningUntangled #CollectiveBias

Hi friends!

So, you know you are a grown up when you get REALLY excited about a new vacuum cleaner. Am I right? This vacuum, the Eureka Brushroll Clean™ with SuctionSeal® is pretty much amazing. You wanna know why? This bad boy cuts the hair off of the brushroll ALL BY ITSELF! You guys....I die!

First of all, I have to admit something. I am not the vacuumer in the family. That title goes to my husband. I hate it. I could never vacuum again and that would be ok! You know how everyone has that one thing that makes you feel better when the house is a mess? Like the rest of the place can be a disaster, but as long as the kitchen is clean you feel a bit better? For him it's the vacuum lines in the carpet. No joke. He fully realizes that with two kids those lines are going to last for about 10 seconds, but he loves them. This is what happened when I told him I had been selected to write this post.

So, Let me tell you a little bit about why a vacuum that cuts the hair off of the brushroll ALL BY ITSELF is pretty much the best thing ever.

We have the usual culprits, a dog and a cat. Neither have long hair, but they both shed like crazy. We also have kids who come with all of the dirt, especially now that the weather is getting warmer. However, not of those are our real trouble makers....

This girl.

This girl, with all of that hair. This girl who was bald until she was one and is obviously still playing catch-up. This girl who dressed up as Ariel as Halloween 2 years ago (because, obviously) and was asked "where did you get that great wig?!". This girl whose hair is everywhere, all the time, forever and ever amen.

We have vacuumed up so much of her hair that there are permanent grooves in the plastic of our other brushroll. Did you know hair was that strong? For real. Our vacuum starts making these horrible squeaking noises, and when we flip it over lo and behold, the spin brush is covered in shining red strands! My husband has to go at it with pliers and scissors. It's like surgery. We could make a wig at this point. (Not that we keep all that hair, that would be weird. Stop that!)

That is our old one after a week. YIKES! 

So yes, we are big fans of a vacuum that cuts all of that off for us! You know what else made me fall in love with this vacuum?

This right here.

Yes, that's right, it has a roll-up cord! No more doing the whole loopty-loop thing on the back, or just looping everything around the handle and calling it good. You push a button and the whole cord just goes away! Ahhh....heaven. It's almost enough to make you like vacuuming! 

You could grab one of these babies the next time you're at Walmart, or you could win one right now! Are you ready? Of course you are.
Eureka #CleaningUntangled Sweeps!
Who is the vacuumer in your house? Would the love a Eureka Brushroll Clean™ with SuctionSeal®
If you could make any chore go away forever, which one would it be?

Love your story today!


  1. Drooling! Kenley and I both shed like CRAZY!

  2. That is good clean dirty talk. Lol. Glad the vacuum is such a good fit for your family. #client

  3. Cleaning toilets is my least liked chore!
