Saturday, September 7, 2013

Shop Update!

Hey there friends!

Did you all know that I have an Etsy shop? I don't talk about it much here, but I wanted to update you on some exciting new things!

A little history: After the crazy success of THIS post, I decided to take the plunge and open up a shop. A little over a year ago, I became The Flannel Lamb.

Since then I've seen slow, but steady sales. I love having the opportunity to help families potty train, especially with an eco-friendly option.

So, now that you're up to speed, here is the new update!

I have added a couple new sections to the shop! Up until now I have simply listed all the available combinations I make in the shop, and made them to order.

Now I have a Ready To Ship section, which has pre-made sets that can ship next day.

I've also added Value Bundles to the shop. These allow you to order more than one set, plus save money on product and shipping! Great deals are to be had! I definitely recommend having more than one set if you are actively potty training, so these Value Bundles are wonderful.

If you have already purchased a set of trainers, I can't tell you how grateful I am! You help this Mama stay home! I would love to hear any feedback you have!

Interested in ordering? I've added a little shop widget to my sidebar right here on the blog which will take you right to my shop!

Are there any other products you would like to see in the shop? Wet bags? Potty training charts? Let me hear those ideas!

Be blessed!



  1. I have a question, how is buying two sets in a "value bundle" for $90 cheaper then buying two sets separately ($70?) I wonder if you meant to say pick any three sets?

  2. Where did you find the elephant PUL?
