Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Family Movie Night with The Little Mermaid

Hi there friends!

What do you do to make family dinners special? Obviously dinner can't be an event every night, but sometimes it's nice to do something a little special. With a new baby coming soon, I really want to find great ways to spend time as a family before the newborn chaos kicks in!

We decided that family movie night was just what we needed!

First, Abbey and I went shopping for some Disney Princess goodies. We ended up with a new Ariel costume, since what little redhead doesn't want to dress up like Ariel?

At our house we do something we call "Snicky Snack Dinner". It's basically things like cheese, crackers, fruit...whatever we have on hand. This seemed like the perfect dinner for a movie night, but it needed a little bit of oomph. Bring on the Under The Sea themed Snicky Snacks!

Starfish quesadillas, goldfish crackers...

And, of course, fishy Jello! 

We pulled out the couch and spread out some beach towels. Of course there was an Ariel in the mix.

And of course, that new costume just had to make an appearance!

Dinner is served!

We had a lot of fun snuggling up on the couch and watching The Little Mermaid. It's been one of my favorites since I was little, and I love that Abbey loves it too! I hope that we're creating memories in the process!

We certainly created a lot of smiles!

Don't own The Little Mermaid yet? The Collector's Edition BluRay/DVD is coming out on October 1st! Yippee!!

Thanks Disney!!

Want to keep up with the Disney Princess fun? You can follow them here:
Twitter: @Disney

Looking for more Under The Sea fun? Check out this Pinterest Board for all sorts of goodness!

Be blessed!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new baby!! Looks like a fun movie night to me and your daughter is adorable!
