Saturday, February 9, 2013

Help a Little Girl Come Home!

Hello friends.

Today I want to introduce you to my friend, Christie and her amazing family. Christie and her husband have been blessed with the very sudden opportunity to grow their family through adoption. 

I'll let Christie explain the rest...

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A week ago we received a phone call saying that we'd been chosen by a young birth mother in Florida.   Chosen for what?  To adopt her baby!  A story that started three weeks ago from a simple Facebook message has turned our world upside down, for the greater!  For the full story and our adoption announcement, please visit here.

Late last week our adoption agency gave us 15 days to come up with the first $10,000 needed for our precious baby girl's adoption.  To say that we were not prepared for this is an understatement!  As you read in our adoption announcement, we were waiting on fertility results the day that my friend contacted me.  So, to need $10,000 in such a short amount of time was a bit overwhelming.  But, the Lord soon laid an idea on my heart -- Operation 10:10:1 {10 Days: $10: 1 Baby Girl}!

I knew that friends and family were just as overwhelmed with the cost of adoption as I was and I figured, let's just chip away $10 at a time!  

In the last six days we have raised over $3,000 towards our $10,000 goal!  I've been amazed at the response, the love, and the support from the online community!  

When Heather gave me the opportunity to share our story here, I knew that the Lord was giving me another avenue to give Him all honor, glory, and praise!

So, will you join us today as we seek to be obedient to the call that the Lord has on our lives?  We knew when we said, "Yes", that this was so much bigger than ourselves.  But, we knew that the body of Christ was big enough to accomplish it!

$10 and a prayer means more than you'll ever know!

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So, what do you think, friends? Can you help Christie and Q bring their little girl home? A simple donation is all it takes! Let's do good things.

Be blessed!


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