Saturday, December 8, 2012

Our Week in Pictures: AZ edition

Hello friends!

We just spent a fantastic week in Arizona visiting friends. This was the first time we had been back since we moved a year and a half ago, and it was so nice. It felt like we had never left.

Here's a quick re-cap, Insta-style!

We left early...I mean REALLY early...

If you've got to take your shoes off at security, you might as well have interesting socks, right?

Comfy clothes are a must.

Sunrise...from the plane. I told you it was early.

We had a week of amazing weather! These two got to playing like they had never been apart!

This happened. Twice.

We went up north and rode on the Polar Express! So much fun.

We saw a parade...they played in the dirt.

More beautiful weather in Prescott!

I love the Lighting of the Courthouse! How often do you hear the Christmas Story straight out of Luke read on state property?

All lit up and pretty!

A certain little girl got a bunch of new dress up clothes from her Mimi! Heaven.

I celebrated my birthday while we were there. Hello, last year of my twenties! And hello super cute shirt from the hubs!

We went to one of those All Trampolines, All The Time places. So much fun, but FYI...I'm old. I was SO sore!

Abbey made herself comfy on the plane ride back. Who needs personal space anyway?

She slept almost the whole first leg home. Hooray!

This is only a fraction of the fun we had last week, but it's all that made it onto my phone! The rest is hiding somewhere in the 750 pictures I have to go through on my camera!

Speaking of which....can I digress and SQUEEEEE a little bit about my new camera? It was a Black Friday surprise from Matt!

I looooove it! And yes, I realize that is the wrong lens sitting next to it. We figured that out before we bought it, thank goodness!

Are you on Instagram? I'm Its_ALongStory!

I'm linking up with Jeannett!
life rearranged

Be blessed!


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