Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 26: Happy Birthday To You!

Today is all about birthdays! This month is a big birthday month for members of our close family and so we love to celebrate all month long. I thought it only fitting to capture it with this book:

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” 

I thought it might be fitting to include some wonderful ideas from Pinterest on how to celebrate special birthdays in your own home! Finding traditions that work for your family are special and fun. My favorite tradition in my family (from when I was a little girl myself) is that on the morning of your birthday, your "breakfast" is a tower of Hostess treats - cupcakes, Suzy Q's, twinkles, etc. with a rousing birthday song & candles. My boys were literally shaking last night as we ate these delicious treats.

How about a beautiful balloon wreath when you enter your home?

Celebrate milestones in a big way!

Do you have special birthday traditions that you love to pass on to your kids now? How do you make the birthday boy or girl feel extra special?

Samantha at The Peanuts Gang

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