Monday, September 24, 2012

Dream House: Bathrooms

Hi friends!

Well, we're STILL on the hunt for a rental home, and it's got me in full on dream mode!

Today I have some bathrooms for you. I've found that I have a really hard time decorating bathrooms, so these will definitely come in handy. Hopefully sooner, rather than later...

I love this bathroom from LiveLoveDIY. It's calm and soothing, but the stripes give it some interest. I think it would be fun to add some colorful accessories. It would make it super easy to change the feel of the room, without doing everything over! Aqua in the summer, rust and reds in the fall and around Christmas....oh fun!

Speaking of color, I love the colors in this bathroom from Everyday Moments! It's a small bathroom, but it really packs a punch. I love the way the brown tones sort of calm down the aqua and lime. This is one of my favorite color combos! It's an amazing renovation, so go check it out.

I remember thinking "toilet rooms" like this were so strange when we first got to Arizona. They're so common out there. They're not particularly common here in the midwest, but if I ever have one again I am definitely adding shelves like this! What fantastic storage!

We're hopefully looking at some more houses this week or next. Say a prayer for us!

Be blessed.



  1. Good luck house hunting! Hopefully y'all will find one soon! Looking can be such a chore.
    Happy weekend!

  2. Oh yes, I’m totally digging the first picture! For me, an ideal bathroom shouldn’t be too stimulating. Bathrooms are for relaxation; putting in too much accessories or strong colors can be stressful to the eyes, defeating its purpose. By the way, how’s the house hunting coming along? :)
