Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Meet & Tweet

Hi friends!

I am beyond thrilled to be a co-host for this week's Meet and Tweet with Laura from Our Reflection!

Come on over and play along!

Next Thursday will mark our 7th month of consecutive weekly Meet & Tweet fun!
I've loved meeting so many wonderful people. A lot of which are friends I hold close to my heart.
Which makes this even a bit tougher....
Next Thursday, August 30th, will be our last Twitter Hop for a while.
My photography business has blessed me with more than ever expected,
so that's where I'll be spending my down time for awhile.

Now let's get this PAR-TAY started! 

Ready to make new Twitter friends?
Sweetness, just follow the rules.

Link up your Twitter account, not your blog.
Follow your host and co-hosts. {The first 6 in the linky.}

HOST: Laura from Our Reflection

Thanks so much to my amazing co-hosts:
Heather from It's a Long Story
Tess from The Framed Lady
Brittney from Yellow Umbrella Deisgns
Alisha from Alisha & Brandon
Christine from The DIY Dreamer
Tori from Lil' Mrs. Tori

Loving this hop? Shout it out to all your friends!
The more the merrier.

Interested in being a co-host?
Email me for details at

Thanks so much for linking up today!
Hope you've had fun and made some amazing new friends.

Save the Date! Next Hop: 8/30
Grab a button and add it to your blog!
Our Reflection
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Our Reflection "><img src="" alt="Our Reflection " style="border:none;" /></a></div>

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1 comment:

  1. So happy to see you here today, Heather! Hope you have a great hop.
